The Power of Vitamins & Minerals for our Health

Here is the first post in a series of articles that I will be sharing about Natural Immune Boosting on our blog. I'll be focusing on the vitamins and minerals that we can get through our foods, healthy habits and supplements as key factors in boosting our natural immunity. 

In this series, we’ll learn about the role vitamins, minerals and other nutrients play in our health, and how to get more of them into us in delicious, affordable and easy ways. Along with other fascinating information about these itty bitty powerful life-givers!  

Are we living with nutrient depletion?

Our many symptoms of sickness as a culture would tell us yes, we are...

Chris Kesser, in his article “Well Fed But Undernourished: An American Epidemic” tells us that:

“A recent study conducted as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) indicates that U.S. children and adults have high rates of deficiency of vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and folate, as well as the mineral iron.” he went on to state “Nearly one-third (31 percent) of the U.S. population is at risk for at least one vitamin deficiency or anemia.”

The statistics look even worse for 2 very important nutrients, as Chris explains in the same article “95 percent of adults and 98 percent of teens have an inadequate vitamin D intake. 61 percent of adults and 90 percent of teens don’t get enough magnesium.”


That’s a big number of us running on empty in these key nutrients, right?

And the deficiencies are a big deal - WHY? Because they are impacting our very HEALTH - all of us, every day and in big ways. Chronic disease and pain, unwanted weight gain, energy issues, preventable early death, mental health and attention disorders, the development of our kids...and in many, many more ways! 

By now, many of us are aware that it has a LOT to do with our Standard American Diet (along with other factors.) We are often low on, or depleted of, the rich and necessary gifts for our health called vitamins and minerals! And contrary to popular discussion, it’s NOT ONLY because of the way the foods are grown, harvested and delivered now (though that definitely plays a part!) It’s because we are eating more boxed, processed, fast, junk and filler foods than EVER. And LESS of the FRESH stuff. (Even improperly grown and harvested FRESH foods are still better for us than something processed or from a box. TRUTH.)

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Now, there ARE other factors that contribute to our deficiencies, and they are: 

  • chronic stress from our go-go-go lifestyles and unhealthy habits or relationships 

  • not getting enough direct sunlight (which is the direct way to manufacture crucial Vitamin D in our body, as well as plays a big part in other vitamin/mineral depletion) 

  • our lack of daily movement

  • the toxins we take in daily - they are numerous: our cosmetic and hygienic products, environmentally through outside sources, food-like products or highly processed foods, pesticides, as well as substances we ingest (like pharmaceuticals, smoking, drug use, alcohol, and other direct toxins through our ingestion.) 

And this list only scratches the surface. 

Yet, there is something we can all do! THERE. IS. HOPE.

I get so frustrated as a health coach when I read something like what I wrote above - and then, the article ends and NO solution has been discussed! It doesn’t help to be informed with such heavy knowledge, then left in a lurk to struggle through the dead-end of NO solutions presented!

I refuse to do that here.

This series will not only bring a new understanding of our deficiencies in our lifestyle, how they are caused, and how we can fix some if it - but also a simple explanation of the function of vitamins and minerals in our health! 

But I’m also writing it to share simple ideas with you - and show you how to easily, affordably, and enjoyably get more nutrients back into our food and lifestyle! You can add FRESH foods back in, in a balanced way where even the pickiest eaters enjoy the foods you’ll prepare. I know, because I’ve been doing it for almost a decade now. On a budget, with foods found at “normal” stores. As a mom of four, and wife to a “choosy” eater. If I can do this, you can! And I’m going to help you do it...I promise!

Vitamins & Minerals - What are they?

Where are they found?

We’ve all heard the terms vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals tossed around in the health field, as more and more information is discovered on the role they play in our body’s health. 

But what are they, really? 

What foods are they found in? How much do we really need of each one?  


These are all important questions -  and little by little, they’ll be answered here in this series!

In this first article, let’s start by exploring the purpose for our body’s health that vitamins and minerals hold, as we cover exactly what they are.

First, there are substantial differences between vitamins and minerals, even though we often describe them as one.

Here are some of those differences...

Vitamins are complex molecules that regulate the body’s chemical mechanisms. 

  • They also contribute to storing and releasing energy (so, they help regulate metabolism) and they also help maintain the quality of the bones, blood, and nerves. 

  • They partner with food, to convert it into energy and building blocks in the body.

  • They repair cellular damage - hugely important to your body’s healing process! 

  • They are organic and can be broken down by heat, air, or acid. (Which is important to know, because it means they can be altered in effectiveness through cooking, storage, temperature changes, exposure to air, etc)

  • They help your body “do its job” in many noticeable ways. For instance: produce and release energy, build proteins and cells, and make collagen.

Minerals are inorganic (made of neither plant nor animal matter) substances that float around in our body tissues and fluids.

Their purpose is to trigger or prevent enzyme and hormone production (hugely important!) as well as function as a raw material used by the body to build structures, such as bones. They also help turn our foods into usable energy, keep fluid levels around our cells balanced (also super important!) and play a part in our dental health.

The human body needs, and therefore uses up, some or all of the vitamins and minerals necessary to keep it functioning daily.

So the supply must be replenished, or the body then begins to pull from stores inside of the body, like the bones and teeth, for instance. Just realizing this fact alone may change your take on vitamins and minerals and how important they are to your health needs!

OK I’ve got to go get to work on the next article - I’ve got lots of great info to bring you about this oh-so-important-topic...but wait, I want you to know one more thing...

There’s another superstar in the Nutrient Family: Phytochemicals!

These little jewels are neither vitamin nor mineral – they are a natural group of chemicals found in plants which are proving to have been natural cancer fighters all along (we just didn’t know it!)

They remove nitric oxide from cells before it can combine with amines (also chemicals) to create the nitrosamines that are involved in cancer cell formation. I’ll be talking more about these awesome disease-fighters in a future post. 

In the next post in this series, though, we’ll get into who the “major players” are from the vitamins and minerals team, and how they contribute to our overall health.

For your best health,

Coach Bess

Sources cited in this article:

Web Article by Chris Kesser:

Info on Vitamins & Minerals:

26 Tips For a Fresh Life Everyday

Sometimes we just need a quick reminder of the many small steps we can take everyday for a Fresh Life!

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  1. Take a daily walk in the sunshine and soak it up for at least 30 minutes

  2. Smile at a stranger - while you’re driving in your car, out and about, checking mail etc

  3. Say ONE thing out loud that you are grateful for - the minute you get up in the morning and your brain starts working

  4. Make and enjoy a homemade smoothie - full of nutritional goodness, delivers vitamins and minerals and fiber and energy

  5. Choose a fresh fruit or veggie to add into your breakfast choices. This great start will feed more great choices today.

  6. Brew a FRESH cup of hot coffee or herbal tea in the morning - it’s a energy-giving, soul-filling splurge that also delivers nutrients

  7. Argue immediately with the first negative thought that pops into your mind - replace it with a positive, life-giving one!

  8. Stir a FRESH slice or two of lemon into either warm or room temperature water - then drink and enjoy this powerful liver detoxifier and energy & brainpower giver

  9. Laugh and giggle out loud at the silly things - let the small everyday things trigger your laughter button. It’s truly the BEST medicine.

  10. The minute you feel anger or resentment rise toward an old offender in your life - replace the thought/emotion immediately with this one: “Life is too darn short - I forgive you - even if it’s AGAIN.”

  11. Pop in someone’s text or inbox and drop a quick encouraging note - tell them what you love about them, or thank them for a recent thoughtfulness. 

  12. Remember that you won’t make everyone happy today - and that’s ok - the rest of the humans in the world won’t either ;)

  13. When a small crisis hits, ask yourself, “Will this truly matter to me in 5 minutes, 5 months, or even 5 years?” and if the answer is “NO” then breathe deeply, and release it.

  14. Take 100% of the responsibility for your choices today - YOU are in charge of YOU.

  15. If something is “emotionally smarting” your soul, give it more time. Time truly does help us to heal.

  16. Put down the fast, boxed or junk food today - JUST today. You are what you eat, and you are none of those things!

  17. Open your heart and hands today and give a little of your resources - whether of your $$$ or heartstrings or time or energy. By doing so, more than you can imagine will flow back into your hands, heart and finances.

  18. Remember that this current challenge is a SEASON and life ebbs and flows, so this season will surely bloom into the next…

  19. Cuddle someone today - whether a human or a fur baby, cuddling is healthy and  increases our “feel-good” hormone!

  20. Swap out a FRESH choice for a processed food just today, and watch your body say thank you. (Examples: Spaghetti squash for pasta, veggie chips in oven for chips, lettuce wraps for tortillas, FRESH taco salad for processed taco shells, etc)

  21. Take a Vitamin D supplement - a huge percentage of us are deprived of Vit D and need a bit of supplement to what we get from sunshine.

  22. Cut your sugary drinks in half - just cut them in half to start! You’ll cut a large amount of sugar, coloring and additives out of your daily intake, but not feel deprived of the joy you find in them!

  23. Grab a HUG today - the person you squeeze probably needs it as much as YOU DO!

  24. Write an encouraging card or note and stick it in the snail mail - we don’t get enough JOY through the mail anymore and just sending this out will lift your spirits.

  25. Memorize a victorious Scripture verse today - put it on a pretty card and hang it up where you can see it often and be lifted.

  26. Hang on to Jesus, talk to Him (no matter how qualified you feel to reach out to Him, He wants to hear from you!) Make Him your bestie - because this blessed life is a WILD RIDE!!!

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If this post encourages you, would you share it? Our heart here is to encourage every weary spirit, every beautiful soul who is in need of a lift today.

~ Coach Bess

Ready to Get Off the Diet Merry Go Round?

We’ve all been there.  

We begin a new diet plan or exercise routine with great enthusiasm, and we’re going along at a fantastic clip, and then “life happens!” Distractions happen. Unexpected added costs happen. Depression around the restrictions happens.

We’re thrown off course, and we get derailed from the original plan. Our enthusiasm we started out with has faded to a faint commitment that we’re fast giving up on. And many times, the typical response to these derailments tends to be: throwing our hands up in the air, and “giving up” on the plan. 

Guilt sets in, we grow frustrated from “failing” once again, and we’re less likely to try another plan again down the road. And we start eating everything and anything again, deflated from the “try” we just miserably flopped in.

What if we changed this scenario?  

What if we never picked up another diet plan or program again, and refused to turn to those as an answer to our weight struggles or health issues? 

What if we changed our mindset and realized that to truly see long-term success and lasting changes, that we would have to work on changing our lifestyle choices, one at a time?  

What if we looked realistically at our past tries at “dieting” and realized that none of them were long-term solutions to behavioral hangups and habits we’ve spent a lifetime creating. 

No, we need a different way.

If we changed the way we do this…

I believe it would be a revolution of precious people finally freed from someone else’s boxed-up, template plan of action for them. 

It would be people tuning into their own God-given intuition around His foods versus man’s foods and their body’s own reaction to each of them. 

It would be a turning point where empowered, educated people would decide FOR THEMSELVES what they need to do in small, daily, realistic steps to create lifestyles of wholeness and happy eating and fullness in food choices.

It would be entire families affected in a positive way by mom’s (or dad’s or Grandpa’s or Grandma’s or...) determination to get off the diet/quick fix/fad bandwagon and begin changing their thoughts, their choices and their health outlook - one day, one change - at a time.

If you can relate to this and you are ready to get off the dieting Merry Go Round…

Here’s 3 steps to get you started...for you to get your FRESH START!


That the quick fix of a diet plan or fad product is no longer an option for you. That you will take a new road for your weight loss and health goals from now on. The “high road” of making healthy DAILY LIFESTYLE CHOICES that will often feel difficult, even lonely. That you won’t turn back to the “old way” of shortcuts, extreme restrictions or quick-fix solutions even if you grow frustrated or feel stuck at times. That you will view your healthy living as a JOURNEY you are on, not a DESTINATION to arrive at. 

Decide to stop using “numbers” to measure your success (sizes, pounds, calories, etc) but that you’ll measure success by looking at your own behaviors and decisions instead. That you’ll count it a success when you drink more water, eat more FRESH foods, move your body more, instead of just “losing weight” or “dropping sizes.” 

Determine that you’ll give yourself GRACE for the entirety of the journey, not just for today. Decide that this is the new way for you, and no quick result promised from someone else can sway your decision to make healthy, wholesome choices everyday for lasting wellness.


…your lifestyle to be based around your needs, your tastes, and your intuitive guidance that God divinely put inside you to lead you to healthy choices through built-in signals and thoughts. Choose foods that nourish your body, are fun to taste and experience, and fulfill you - but are whole, fibrous, good-for-you foods that God created for sustenance.

…your life to fit in the necessary active movement your body needs to work correctly, remove waste, build muscle and shed unwanted extra weight. Find exercise that doesn’t feel like another chore, but instead, feels fulfilling and energizing and even fun. Find something to do everyday that you look forward to and want to actually do.

…your lifestyle to find time for rest and relaxation. For self-care that is refreshing and fills you back up. Make time to sleep, nap, rest. It takes retraining your mind, many times, if you’ve been on a go-go-go pattern for some time. Your body needs for you to create time for it to rest. 

…the daily habits and thoughts that will support your health for a lifetime. Drinking water, adding in supplements, exercising, eating well, detoxifying your environment and body, de-stressing, rest...these are all necessary for your health. Necessary for the long-term. But you’ll have to intentionally design the time and structure to support them.


To yourself, to God, to others - that this is the NEW WAY you live your life. 

Put up a vision board, journal your intentions, start adding accountability to your journey (like a support group, a workout buddy or a health coach.)

Pray over your efforts, your determination, your commitment. Ask God to help you stick with your commitment when the going gets rough (spoiler alert: it always does at some point.) 

DECLARE that you will pursue God’s best for you (Matthew 7:7) in the foods you choose to enjoy, the movement you choose to prioritize and the thoughts you choose to embrace and focus on!

DECLARE that God has a purpose for your life (Jeremiah 29:11) and it will take a healthy body and mind to fulfill it.

DECLARE that you will live and not die (Psalm 118:17) and that your daily habits and choices will support this promise.

Isn’t this an exciting beginning to your new mentality and way of living?

These are just the first 3 simple steps to your FRESH Start - there’s much more to step into once you begin seeking the answers to your healthiest life.

We want to support you in your healthy-living journey - be sure to keep checking this blog for helpful posts, our Facebook page for daily inspiration and tips - and you can always reach out to us here.

Won’t you join us?

You’ll gain lifelong healthy living support from me (Coach Bess) and a gracious atmosphere of warmth with your peers around this journey you are on! YOU ARE NOT ALONE in wanting to pursue God’s way to get healthy for LIFE’s time for your FRESH Start!

Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating

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It’s a common concern that: we’ll gain extra weight during the holidays, as we tend to consume more food, especially food that isn’t the healthiest, during this season. AND that we’ll get sick, as we notice more people “under the weather” this time of year.

Never fear! I’m sharing some helpful tips to combat both concerns - and it’s easier than you think to stay healthy this holiday season - through your food choices!

As we enter the holiday season, let’s do our best to watch these 3 areas of our eating:

  1. Portion sizes (see this post for more on what food serving sizes are healthy for us!) - eating less of the unhealthy stuff

  2. Adding in the fibrous, healthy, FRESH foods that are nutritious and help crowd out the unhealthier choices!

  3. Making small changes to our traditional family faves to boost our nutrition and lessen negative impact!


Here are some tips for healthy holiday eating:

  1. If you are hosting holiday parties or dinners, try to cut down the amount of empty or fattening calories in your dishes without compromising the traditional flavor and quality of it. For example, in a recipe that calls for heavy cream, you can replace part or all of it with almond milk, coconut milk or even half and half. You can choose dishes that use broth in place in heavy butter or creams, try making veggie sides with flavor from fresh herbs, garlic, olive oil, sweet onions and sliced almonds instead of too much butter or bacon.

  2. When you plan your meals, make sure that you include lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and use less dairy or processed food. Pay attention to the label and make sure the ingredients contain low amounts of sugar. Minimize the common over-use of butter, cheese and whipped cream on your recipes. Fix dishes instead that use citrus, herbs, onion, and garlic as the key flavoring. You can still serve and enjoy appetizers without worrying about eating too many calories, just opt for fresh fruit skewers dipped in dark chocolate, or fresh vegetable sticks with hummus or guacamole, healthy seed crackers with shrimp cocktail.

  3. Instead of serving vegetables or casseroles that are over-cooked and smothered in heavy gravies and sauces, include simple vegetable dishes that are simply oven-roasted, steamed, sautéed or lightly cooked. They are SO tasty when broiled in the oven! And it’s easy to load up on healthy fiber with these whole foods as a bulk to the meal, instead of the commonly served other choices that tend to hold more unhealthy fat, sugar and calories.

  4. You can come up with healthier versions of your favorite holiday dishes by simply replacing some ingredients with alternatives that contain lower amount of calories. Instead of adding butter, you can use chicken stock or olive oil when cooking veggies. For baked goods, you can make use of low-sugar yogurt, applesauce or coconut oil instead of traditional oils and heavy ingredients. For dessert, opt for a healthy pumpkin or sweet potato pie with non-fat evaporated milk and topped with homemade, lightly whipped cream. A simple crustless apple crisp is a delicious option, as well, and still a sweet choice, even when using reduced amounts of sugar in them!

By following these tips for healthy holiday eating, your favorite holiday dishes will still be on the table, but pack less punch for our middles!

LAST TIP: Make the holiday meals a time of not just enjoying food, but focusing on friendship and family as well! Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee together, play games, look at lights, and just bond!

Try these tips, so you, your family and your guests can just enjoy the foods you prepared without worrying about their diets, and bring the attention back to enjoying the time with each other!

Making Thanksgiving dinner and want FRESH ideas for a healthier version? Read this helpful post from Coach Bess on how she makes hers!

Portion Control - Real Serving Sizes

Portion CONTROL. 

Mindless eating is one of the top reasons we struggle with the magnitude of the obesity epidemic we face in our country today. The expansion of our middles in the last few decades directly reflects the increase in the size of our plates and portions. It’s time to rein it in.

We now know that for many of us, habitual over eating is actually a “food addiction.” It is real, comparable in nature to any other substance abuse. The problem is that we need food to survive and the avoidance or weaning tactics used to deal with other types of substance abuse is not realistic in this case as a recovery method. This means, then, that to win the battle around food and its priority and purpose in our lives, it has to be fought in our minds and hearts. 

It has to be battled hand in hand with surrender to God and His better way, and the invitation by Him to renew our minds completely around our relationship with food.

If you struggle with over eating or controlling portions, remember that there is no need for shame, guilt, or other negative feelings directed toward yourself because of this struggle. 


Just like all the other issues we each face in our behaviors and habits, this particular one is another opportunity to re-evaluate where you currently stand. Ask God to take any feelings you may have of your own inadequacy, and replace them with the knowledge of His ability. Remember who you are to Him, you are His marvelous reflection! He wants you to be healthy and whole.

Now let’s move on to the “how” of cutting our portion sizes down and learning what a serving size really looks like!

We hear a lot about this topic in the health arena – but do we translate the information out there into how much we eat every day? 

Despite the vast amount of knowledge available to us on portion sizes and types, many of us are not following these very simple instructions in our diets. By applying this one change to our family nutritional habits, we would see a quick and noticeable difference in our weight and health! 

Here is some valuable information to help you decipher how much food you should (or shouldn’t) be eating every day.

According to the USDA, here is a general idea of what ONE portion is in each food group:

Breads, pasta, cereal, cooked grains

  • 1 slice of bread (looks like a CD case)

  • 1/2 a bagel (the size of a hockey puck)

  • 1 cup cereal (looks like two hands cupped together)

  • 1/2 cup cooked grain or pasta (one cupped palm)


  • 1 piece of fresh fruit (the size of a tennis ball)

  • 1/2 cup cut up fruit, raw, cooked, frozen, or canned (looks like 7 cotton balls)

  • 1/4 cup dried fruit (1/2 cupped handful)

  • 3/4 cup 100% fruit juice (5 ounces or so)


  • 1/2 cup cut up veggie, raw, cooked, frozen, or canned (looks like the bulb part of a light bulb)

  • 1/2 cup cooked, canned or frozen legumes

  • 1 cup leafy greens (2 handfuls)

  • 3/4 cup 100% vegetable juice (5 ounces or so)

Meat, chicken, or fish

  • 3-4 ounces (looks like a deck of cards or a checkbook)

  • 1 egg


  • 1 oz of cheese (looks like 2, 9-volt batteries)

  • 1/2 cup ice cream, cottage cheese or pudding (one rounded scoop)

  • 1 cup milk or yogurt


  • 1/3 cup (a small handful)

  • 1 tbsp nut butter (size of both your thumbs)

For a chart of serving sizes, click here!

Another important thing to establish is what is a portion size versus a serving size? 

The difference between the two can be so confusing! Being unclear on this is one of the reasons many of us end up eating much more than we should – we haven’t mastered really knowing “how much is too much!”

Let’s see if we can clear this up:

A portion is the amount of food you put on your plate. 

A serving is a specific amount of food defined by common measurements

For instance, a pancake “serving” is 4 inches, but a typical portion you might eat is 6 inches — or almost 1 ½ servings.  In liquid measurements, a serving is 8 ounces. Often, though, we pour double that amount, and don’t even think twice about it.

One way to combat unknowingly eating or drinking too much at one time, is to use visual cues for portion sizes – for example, a serving of fruit is the size of a baseball, one serving of cheese is the size of four dice, a computer mouse represents a serving of pasta, a deck of cards is the size of one serving of poultry or fish, and a hockey puck represents one serving of whole grains like rice.

Something else to watch for is plate size - plates used to be about 6-8 inches in width, encouraging the perfect amount of food portions per plate.  Nowadays though, “dinner” plates are more like 10-12 inches around, and encourage mindless amounts of food for our meals without us even realizing it!

A good idea is to put those larger dinner plates away, and pull out the salad or lunch plates. This visual cue will go far in halting overeating.

These simple strategies combined with the application of God’s Word in renewing your mind around portion control will bring powerful freedom and change in this area in your life - if you are interested in tackling this topic and more around the way you eat, grab a copy of our FRESH Start Workbook - we cover this in great detail with helpful aids in that book!

Top 10 FRESH Protein Foods {and How to Eat More!}

Why are proteins so important for your health?

Each cell in our body holds protein and we cannot live without it. Protein sustains our bodies by building and repairing tissues, and is an important part in the building of muscles and bones.

As Dr Mark Hyman explains - “Protein provides us with the building blocks of life—helping us make muscle, connective tissue, hair, blood, enzymes, neurotransmitters, and more. Clearly, it’s important that we’re eating enough of this essential macronutrient if we want to feel strong, energized, and healthy.”

OK, So how much should I be eating?

In recent years, an unbalanced view of protein has developed, partially due to the numerous fundamental diets that have risen in popularity, touting a diet of high protein as necessary for everything from bodybuilding to weight loss. It’s important to note in this article that here at FRESH Start, we are neither a diet nor a fundamental fitness plan - we believe in balance, individual intuition-led eating, and eating the amount of protein that YOU NEED for your particular goals and needs!

That said, there is a “suggested range” of daily protein intake that we need for just “normal living” …

- now, this is obviously for those who are either somewhat sedentary or not aggressively working out.

(So this would be different from someone who is bodybuilding, working out an hour or more daily, or even, like in my case, is deficient in protein due to a chronic illness, etc)

The general idea is that we need 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound. This amounts to: 56 grams per day for the average sedentary man and 46 grams per day for the average sedentary woman.

(Above paragraph taken from this article on Healthline. com)

No matter the amount you choose to eat for your needs, it is a good idea to eat it in small amounts throughout the day, as protein is a filling nutrient.

Combine Food Groups for better Results!

“Food combining,” or including some type of protein WITH healthy fibrous foods and a healthy fat with every meal or mini-meal is powerful for your nutritional needs. It’s been discovered that this helps the body to properly break down the food, and absorb more of the benefits, as well as stabilize our blood sugar levels.

Carbohydrates from our foods provide the fuel and energy we need. Proteins are the building blocks of our cell structure. If carbohydrates are not available, the body will burn through the proteins and not ingest and put them to use properly.

The goal then, is to get more protein-rich foods in your body, more often, along with the other major food groups at the same time for optimal digestion!

Here’s a list of our top protein-rich foods, the nutritional benefits they contain, as well as ideas on how to eat more of them!

our top 10 FRESH proteins:

1. Chicken Breast

a 3.5 oz. chicken breast contains 30 grams protein - wow! - but they’re also full of phosphorus, an essential mineral that helps your teeth and bones, as well as kidney, liver, and central nervous system function

  • add grilled chicken to your salads

  • grill chicken and mangos for a yummy lettuce wrap

2. Salmon

high in essential fatty acids, and contains one of the highest protein loads in an animal protein - but also rich in B vitamins and selenium, 2 of the vitamins your body strongly needs for mental health

3. Eggs

versatile source of protein, rich in B-complex vitamin choline, which reduces inflammation

  • prepare a yummy omelet with veggies sauteed in a tsp of healthy fat, like olive or coconut oil for a power breakfast

  • keep a few boiled eggs in the refrigerator - add to salad or for a quick sandwich snack

4. Avocado

as well as lean protein, contain excess of 25 essential nutrients for your health, including vitamin A, B, C, E, & K, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium AND is a healthy fat!

  • add sliced avocado to any sandwich or salad

  • serve sliced avocado along-side scrambled eggs

5. Beans & Legumes

high in antioxidants, fiber, protein, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper and zinc. Helps with weight management and to decrease the risk of diabetes and heart disease

  • Make homemade hummus out of chickpeas

  • Add to salads or toss with veggies

  • Add black beans to taco meat

6. Greek Yogurt

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high in protein (2x as much as regular yogurt!) has less lactic acid than other dairy, which makes it easier to digest and truly absorb the nutritional benefits to your body. (People who can’t digest other dairy can often digest Greek Yogurt with no problem.)

Greek Yogurt contains live microorganisms, or probiotics, which are good bacteria that we’re often deficient in. They are healing to your gut lining and help improve your immune system, and even, help reduce side effects of antibiotic treatments!

  • add 1/2 cup greek yogurt to your morning smoothie for a balanced, whole-food protein boost instead of processed powder

  • stir 1 Tbsp chia seeds into 1/2 cup as an energy-giving power snack

7. Nuts and Seeds

(example: Almonds, Cashews, and Chia Seeds)

As tiny as these nutritional powerhouses are, they contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and fats in addition to digestible protein for your body’s needs! The fats in them are the right kind (in moderation of course) and help keep down inflammation, maintaining the normal structure of every cell in your body.

  • Sprinkle a tablespoon of chia seeds or ground flaxseed over a yogurt parfait or in your daily smoothie for an energy boost!

  • Pre-portion 1 ounce of raw, lightly or unsalted nuts like almonds, pecans, walnuts or cashews into little bags for quick grab and go power snacks!

8.Sirloin Steak

good source of protein and other vitamins and minerals such as  B12 and Zinc

  • serve in a quickie stir-fry with broccoli, green onion, soy sauce, & cooked brown rice

  • try it just seasoned and grilled with a baked sweet potato

9. Ground, Lean (93/7) Turkey and/or Beef

not only super high in hefty protein, but low on the “bad fats” and nutrient-packed with iron, other minerals, and vitamins B12 & D

  • grill patties and serve on a whole wheat bun or pita piled with veggies

  • make a low-sodium taco mix with black beans and sweet corn & serve in tacos al carbon (warmed, not fried) or over a lush green salad

10. Quinoa

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contains all 9 essential amino acids (one of the only foods that does!) and is a great source of riboflavin

  • quinoa-stuffed vegetables

  • try it with maple syrup and nuts for a yummy breakfast or snack

  • spoon over a spinach salad for added crunchy, chewy vegetarian protein!

It just takes a little planning and creativity to include more of these lean proteins in your daily diet!

The possibilities are endless!

Share some of your favorite ideas and recipes for these foods by commenting on this post or visit us on our Facebook page to share!

Healthy Swap - Replacing Pasta with Healthier Options

We’ve been making small changes every week here in the FRESH Start Community in our #52weeksofhealthyhabits Experience and this week, our step was to Swap Out - buy and cook a veggie, quinoa or whole grain pasta for the ole plain-white version. You can join us in this FRESH, fun experience (free!) by clicking on the pic!

So what’s wrong with the white pasta we’ve eaten for years, anyway?

Well, it turns out, plenty.

In a nutshell, it’s nutritionally empty, turns into sugar once inside your system, and can actually be inflammatory to many who struggle with autoimmune, chronic illness, gut issues and food sensitivities. And with the vast variety of options now available, you are sure to find a better option for your family to continue to enjoy pasta!

Maybe you can relate…

“I have picky eaters in my house, I’m afraid they won’t like the healthier options.”

I can certainly relate! There are a couple texture-sensitive eaters in my family as well - but we’ve found that if we keep trying different versions, prepared in different ways, we can move past the distaste and find options that can be a regular go-to in our family meals!

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One tip for picky eaters…

is to try different shaped pasta (for instance, in my family, they prefer skinny noodles, like thin spaghetti) AND to cook it al dente (cook until JUST done, prevents mushy texture.)


More Veggies From Pasta?

That’s right! You can add healthy fiber through vegetables into your next pasta dish with this light option - Veggie Pasta. There are many shapes available to cook with! My family didn’t even realize they were eating veggies the last couple of times I served this pasta in a FRESH side dish!


Eating Gluten-Free?

For a light, delicious gluten-free option (that doesn’t get gooey when cooked al dente) - this particular pasta is made from Quinoa, Brown and White Rice and Corn Flour. This brand makes a variety of pastas, including Penne, Macaroni Elbows, Thin Spaghetti and more.


Whole Grain is Still Great

Unless you need to be eating gluten-free for specific health issues, you can still gain a nutritional benefit from whole wheat pasta. Tip: make sure the brand you buy has this Whole Grain “stamp” on the packaging.

Bean threads are a fresh n’ fun option

Affordable, too!

Bean threads, made from mug bean starch, are an easy, healthy way to enjoy a lettuce wrap, or Asian-flavored dish. I serve these well-marinated in teriyaki or low-sodium soy sauce, as they are quite bland in flavor and need a flavor boost.


Rice noodles - light and fresh!

Another light option is rice noodles - these are literally made from two ingredients: rice and water. I use these healthy pasta-replacements in this spicy, delicious recipe.


What do you think of these suggestions?

Have you tried any of these alternatives yet?

Joy in us in the (free and fabulous) FRESH Start Club and tell us what’s your favorite swap out for plain white pasta.

What NOT To Say To a Sick Person

Sharing this post with you from my health coaching heart today….but also from my own painful journey as a “sick person.”

I’m going on 3 years now of living with a painful, chronically EXHAUSTING and generally soul-sucking illness called Hashimoto’s Autoimmune. And close to 15 years now with a chronic spine condition I was born with (spondylolisthesis) that creates daily pain and massive physical limitations (including an unattractive bent-over-look that is hard on a girl’s self-esteem!)

One hidden blessing of living with chronic disease and pain - my COMPASSION for others INCREASES.

My understanding of “invisible illnesses” has greatly expanded.

And my desire to share this awareness with you is on fire!

So today, I’m sharing some heartfelt advice for us all (OR, what NOT to say to a sick person!)

Right before my spine correction surgery in Oct 2016…I was so scared! So very, very scared. But God was with me! The whole time!

Right before my spine correction surgery in Oct 2016…I was so scared! So very, very scared. But God was with me! The whole time!

The statistics (which haven’t even caught up with the reality) on chronic disease, especially invisible disease like autoimmune and pain conditions, are frightening, to say the least. What they confirm is that we are each most likely touching the lives of someone who struggles with one or more…or are sur-thrivers of them ourselves.

Knowing this, we’ve got to come out of the stigma-influenced mindset of judging, demeaning, pitying or patronizing those who suffer.

The only way to even begin to understand, let alone bring healing to someone in this situation, is to admit we might need to change our viewpoint.

We've got to remember that people who are struggling with an illness or disease or life-issue DO NOT WANT to be sick. 

I repeat: NO ONE WANTS to be sick.

It's just SO hard when you are in the midst of sickness or some struggle and peeps give "pat comments." (Even IF their hearts are to help, and you know it, it still stings and sucks.)

Please be kind.

Be sensitive.

LISTEN instead of TELL.


* You are healed, you just need to receive it (yes, I get this one A LOT) as if I've actively CHOSEN to not receive it for the last few uber-painful, uncomfortable years of my life.

Um, just trust me on this, kay?

I DO want to receive it and you can be assured Jesus and I have conversed as such on more than one occasion.

* Have you tried THIS FIX-IT or THIS JUICE or THIS OIL or THIS PILL or THIS.... 

#1 Yes, I continue to keep an open mind, and I will try just about anything ONCE however, #1 money don't grow on my tree in the front yard, and

#2 my poor body needs a breather from "trying stuff" for a bit, thank you very much. (Not to mention the bank account.) PLEASE don’t offer me anything unless you wanna buy it for me?

“Oh, I know exactly what that feels like, from when I had *insert whatever ailment here* “

NO. Just no.

NOBODY knows exactly what another person’s struggle, pain, issues, or circumstances feels like.

It’s impossible.

You may be able to relate, but validation that you DON’T know what it feels like would be nice, then you can get into the relating piece after that.

Especially because now, I’m feeling CARED ABOUT by heart is now wide open.

Example of what would be better to say: 

“Gosh, friend, I have NO idea what that feels like, you are one tough cookie to deal with that! A while back, I had *insert whatever pain I had* and I could barely handle that! I’ll be praying for you.”


* Aw, I'm sorry friend. You're in my prayers (or, if you're not a person of faith, you can say, "best wishes for healing")

* I can't imagine what that feels like, you must be so tired of this (oh sweet validation - it's like medicine)

* What can I do to help? (they're probably NOT gonna take you up on it, but it's that whole "thought that matters" thing)

* SEND THEM A QUICK MESSAGE with a song, a quote, an inspiration, or better yet, a sweet card in the mail with encouragement

OH and another quick tip: Don't forget about the "strong ones" - the friends or family who AREN'T COMPLAINING - they need those check in messages too! They need the thoughts and prayers and care - but they may never ask for it.

Post-surgery in 2017 but very sick with Hashimoto’s - Kissing my hubby on the beach at our Family getaway spot in Mexico. We are taking this life one day at a time, and trying to find joy in every moment.

Post-surgery in 2017 but very sick with Hashimoto’s - Kissing my hubby on the beach at our Family getaway spot in Mexico. We are taking this life one day at a time, and trying to find joy in every moment.

Back when I was very, very sick with a severe seizure disorder that upended my life in my late 20’s (but since, the Lord has COMPLETELY healed my body of it!) I once heard a neurologist say… “we are ALL one breath away from a neurological disease or mental illness.” He was saying this to remove my own self-induced shame about the condition, essentially telling me that EVERYONE is capable of sickness.

Since then, I’ve realized this is true of ANY sickness or condition or disease - and of course, as a health coach on a mission to bring hope and healing to this world, I don’t want to think that way.

I want to see EVERYONE healed!

NO ONE sick.

But it is true that while walking this imperfect journey in this broken world, NONE of us is “safe” from pain, disease, sickness or struggle.

We don’t earn sickness by “being worse than others” and we don’t “earn our way out of it with great faith” - and YES I do believe in faith and supernatural healing, and even have numerous testimonies of it in my own journey (with more to come!) but NO we personally don’t get to choose when that happens!

God is SOVEREIGN ya’ll - He alone is God. I’m not about to tell Him how to do His job.

Maybe, when we realize our great vulnerability, we will plant good seeds for our own uncertain futures by serving those in our lives now who are affected.

Maybe our own compassion meters will fill back up, our thoughtfulness thermometers will be on high alert and our sensitivity sensors will be working well!

Who has God put on your heart to reach out to?

Get up in their private messages right now, and show 'em some love!

...and thank you for taking the time to read this, friend. Your care in reading it is an amazing gift to those in your life who need you and your love!

Huge hugs and belief in you ~ Coach Bess

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13 Quick Ways the Busiest Mom Can Experience Habitual Self Care

As moms, we often forget to take proper care of ourselves. Or, we put our self-care on the back burner, thinking that somehow we will one day have enough time to prioritize it.

Can I share a secret with you? That “one day” is NOW!

I know, CARAZY.

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Yes, you will not wake up one day when your small kiddos are bigger and think “NOW I have time for me!” (Ask me how I know!)

I remember fantasizing about how parenting was going to get easier once my littles were more independent (oh how I wish I had been right…*sigh*) The truth is, with the “spare time” available these days, parenting 2 adult kids and 2 almost-grown ones, I have discovered that theory was not sound!

And yet, over the years, I’ve found ways to build short, simple, affordable self-care into my day as a habit - mainly because struggling with the pain and exhaustion of an autoimmune disease and chronic spine-pain issue, I’ve found that if I do not, I will not be able to “be there” for my family, let alone anyone else!

Self-care isn’t a luxury, mama-friend!

I believe with all my health-coaching heart that it’s a necessity! And I credit my own health coach, Casey Sollock, of She Shines Wellness, with teaching me this concept I’m sharing here is this article. She called it “aggressive self-care” and she helped me understand that it’s not a one-and-done kind of thing - especially for us moms. It’s an ongoing, necessary, habitual kind of need for health and healing!

SO HOW DO WE BUILD IN THE DAILY HABITS TO BETTER SELF CARE? can be simpler, more affordable and even more fun than you might think! That’s why I’m sharing this article with you - to give you some ideas on simple ways you can add a little self-care into your day!

The power-moms here in our FRESH Start Community shared their best tips for making self-care a habit for even the busiest mom!

Here’s what some of them shared…

Misty Judd said…

“I purposefully pick a snack just for me when I go to the grocery store. It’s usually healthy and a lot of times not something I would buy for the family. They can be very picky and prefer homemade baked goods packed with sugar. I tend to put my family before myself and this helps me remind myself to take care of me on a daily basis. I also escape to the nail salon every 2 weeks for a 90 minute sanity break. When the kids were in diapers this is the only time I had a break and could clear my mind.”

BootsBobbie Denson shared…

“Since I love to craft and it is very relaxing for me, as a working mom, I would build into the schedule a time to craft with the kiddos. Quality time with the children and a needed reboot for me.”

Lorrea Hall shared her secret sauce…

“Well it’s always insanity around here...but here’s what I do:

1) I take a few minutes everyday to just breath - if I can do it outside, I do. I typically have these mini-breaks built in throughout the day. First thing in the morning before the kids get up I have coffee and breathe before the day starts. I work from home so I always go to my office 5 minutes early and take 2-3 minutes to breathe and release whatever home stresses I have been dealing with before I start diving in so I am fresh and focused on work. At the end of the night before I go to bed I take 2-3 minutes to free my mind of any intrusive thoughts or urgent needs I’ll need to handle first thing in the morning. This frees my mind to rest knowing that I have everything handled. I am a 2am thinker so if I haven’t freed my mind - I’ll be up at 3am remembering all these things that are weighing on me.

2) exercise - Quick walks around the block during breaks or at lunch or before bed. I also have a sit/stand desk so I can change my desk from sitting to standing. In standing mode I have a rocker that I stand on that gets me moving. I also, keep fitness bands in my office for a quick exercise break when I have a minute or 2 and a stretching poster in my wall to remind me to stretch throughout the day. I also have some motivational quotes around the office that remind me to pause and reflect helping me sneak in a little bit of mind quieting.

3) family me time - I think women get recharged by investing in others. For me this is mostly my family but also friends. I have a bi-weekly nail date with my mom, we sit, we have some wine, we do our nails together. I have hobbies with each of my kids we do together - riding bikes, doing science experiments, building things, and coding. There things we both enjoy so we’re both getting our buckets filled + quality conversation and connection.”


My personal go-to way (as a busy mom of four!) to add in a little more self-care habitually is:

To make a few healthy habits non-negotiable!

What I mean is, there are a few things that I will do day-in-day-out no matter how crazy the day, no matter how full the calendar!

For me, these are simple, affordable and easy to squeeze in…

1. Drink enough water NO MATTER WHAT - even if I’m enjoying a no-no soda pop or extra cup of coffee, I’ll make sure to get those 8 minimum cups of water NO MATTER WHAT!

2. Have a smoothie in the morning NO MATTER WHAT - I may end up eating “off plan” on a crazy day, BUT by having that smoothie, I’ve had a couple of servings of veggies, fiber, healthy fat, protein, vitamins and minerals - so no matter the deficiency (or unhealthy stuff) in the rest of my meals, I’ve had that boost and nutrition to combat it and help give my body some goodness! (My fave recipe is here —- >> Berry Nutty Smoothie Recipe)

3. Take a walk outside NO MATTER WHAT - so even if I don’t get more steps or a good heart-pumping workout that day, I’ve gotten in a few minutes of sunshine (Vitamin D!) fresh air into my lungs and blood supply and a great stretching exercise in for the rest of my body.

These are just a couple of examples of my personal list of “non-negotiables” for my self-care...they will happen NO MATTER WHAT ELSE DOES!

What could you turn into a daily habit that could be a “NO-MATTER-WHAT” for you?

These small things really do add up and create a new level of health in your mind and body!

More moms from our Community share their secret sauce with us…

Melanie Mason Shannon tells us…

“As working mom, I use my lunch hour. If weather is pretty, I like to take lunch outside and enjoy some quiet time soaking up the sunshine. If weather is not cooperating, then I will turn lights off in office and relax for 15-20 minutes after I eat. Some afternoons I drive home with radio off just for some quiet. Also, peppermint oil is my friend on stressful days. A sniff perks me up or few drops rubbed behind ears and on temples helps with headaches.”

Michele Spooner says ...

“Get up and spend 10-15 minutes writing in my gratitude journal as I drink my tea. Really begins my day off right and keeps me focused on what is important!”

Vee Tal shares …

“I sit in my car and just look at God. Gratitude goes a long way to uplifting my day.”

Gloria B. Dorsey advises…

“Thinking back to when I was a young mom... joining in the kid fun, not just watching; jumping in the puddles, going down the slide, skipping along, throwing rocks in the river as well. Kids play is good for adults as well; when you are playing and laughing you are not stressing!”

Mary Tomko Huggins tells us …

“Taking 5 minutes to sit down with a cup of tea or coffee and nothing else. I love doing this outside in the morning, before people wake up, and just center myself. Make a quick facial scrub / hand scrub of EVOO & brown sugar. This is great to use on the face to get rid of dead skin and also make your skin feel soft. I also like to use it on my hands. I keep some made up in my bathroom to use daily.”

Feel free to share YOUR input on how you weave self-care into your busy day, can comment right here om the post, or drop into our free community, FRESH Start Club to tell us there!

And in the meantime, remember to intentionally take a few minutes for YOU today! ;)

From one busy mama to another!

~ Coach Bess

Which Diet is Best? (Or How to Eat for Your Health!)

As a longtime health coach, I get asked a lot…

Is veganism or vegetarianism the BEST way to eat for good health? 

Is Paleo or Keto better? 

Is intermittent fasting the way to go? 

Would you suggest following the Whole 30?

What about Weight Watchers or South Beach or Nutrisystem or AIP or DASH?

(I know, there's a LOT of 'em...and I only JUST started naming diets from the looonnnggg list available!)

Here’s what we DO know about this…

… from years of research - both reading, studying and working with hundreds of people as a health coach! AND from our own tested and real-live experience...

The BEST way of eating FOR YOU is a way that is:


Meaning you can realistically continue to eat that way through all of life's crazy up's and down's! Following this one idea eliminates most strict diets that effectively "ban" one or more entire food groups (ie veganism or Keto)

...sustainable usually = well-balanced



…meaning eat the way that FEELS GOOD to your body and brain (ie you have increasingly more energy, lifted brain fog and your intuition agrees with it) 

One way to gauge this is to do an "elimination plan" for a few days...first, remove ANY commonly offensive foods like sugar, caffeine, meat, dairy, gluten etc... then, journal your body's reactions when you reintroduce each food group (be sure to re-intro one food at a time) 


…no matter which specific plan you choose to follow (or even if you are just following your own wisdom and intuition, which is often a powerful plan!) Please choose FRESH FOODS first! 


So even if you're cutting back on meat or even going towards a plant based diet, make sure to choose fresh foods.

If you are working to cut processed carbohydrates and even some of your grains out, make sure that the rest of your choices are as fresh and whole as possible. 

There's an interesting common denominator that I have found about these diet plans in my latest research for the new book I'm writing for you guys....and it's that although the diets are NOT found to be sustainable for a huge majority of participants, the CENTRAL ELEMENT that IS working within all these diets, is that people are more intentionally choosing fresh and whole foods, improving their health in the long run.

Interesting, right?!

Eating FRESH matters! And it's sustainable and balanced and easily customizable to your own intuitive wisdom and personal lifestyle needs!

Talk to me more about this either here in comments or in our warm, supportive community FRESH Start Club (there’s no cost to belong to the Club and we’d love to have you!)

For a quick-glance at an eating plan that is sustainable, personal and balanced for life - grab your copy of the FRESH Start Can-Eat List here or click on pic below!

10 FRESH Ways to Add More Veggies to Your Family’s Meals

A common problem many of our community members face is making sure they are getting enough vegetables (and fiber) in their diets. Especially for those with picky eaters in the family, this can be a big challenge in eating a well-balanced diet plan long-term.


The minimum amount of vegetables we should all be eating each day is 6-9 servings and yet so many times we don’t even get one or two in there. Adding veggies to your diet is easier than you might think - we’re giving you some realistic ideas that even the busiest family can use.

Here are 10 ideas you can try to get your family to eat more vegetables!

Plan & Prep Ahead of Time – Sometimes, it’s feeling like we have NO time (or energy) during the week that’s an obstacle to eating enough vegetables throughout the day. Take just a few minutes before the busyness of the week even starts, and make an effort to prepare veggies for quick use during the week. (Visit here for the convenient + free guide from Coach Bess on planning your weekly meals!)

Cut up and package your veggies in bags or containers ahead of time.

At meal time, pull them out and enjoy them with hummus or in a quick wrap. Or, make meal time easier with ready-cut vegetables, easily throw in a salad or cook into a dish. Another idea is to pre-bake or roast a pan of veggies and place in a glass storage container. Pull them out and reheat easily for a wonderful side dish later on!


Low-Sodium Soups – Many people don’t eat vegetables because they can’t get past the consistency of them. Try sipping your veggies in soup form by first cooking, then pureeing them into a soup. Or, you can make a broth-based version and cook vegetables to your desired personal texture. Make your own soups or look for low-sodium versions at the store. Tomato, Garden (mixed) Vegetable or Broccoli soup are just a few choices in a large array of them!

Don’t be Afraid to Try New Things – Once a week (or even month), pick a new vegetable you’ve never tried before. You can add it to a favorite recipe you already make or look for different ways to cook it. Even if you don’t like some of them, keep trying! I’m willing to bet you’ll find 1 or 2 (or more) veggies you DO enjoy!

Brighten Things Up – Add vegetables with lots of color to your plate, especially salads. Here are some colorful veggies that taste great and are full of vitamins and minerals your body needs. Liven things up a bit because when your food LOOKS good it tastes better too. Here are a few colorful ideas:

    • Acorn Squash

    • Red Cabbage

    • Cherry Tomatoes

    • Sweet Potatoes

    • Black Beans

    • Red, Orange, and Yellow Bell Peppers

    • Radishes

    • Watercress

Save Time – Fresh or frozen vegetables can be cooked quicker in the microwave if time is an issue that stops you from eating more veggies with dinner. You can steam them by adding them to a bowl with a bit of water for a quick side dish to any meal. Frozen veggies (make sure the label is the veggie ONLY and not other things added) are a great option when fresh is too costly or just not available.

Order Extra When Eating Out – Instead of a fried side dish or appetizer order a second veggie side or small salad when dining out.

Eat What’s In Season – To save money and get the best tasting veggies, buy and eat specific veggies when they are in season. Sprouts, Trader Joe’s and Farmers Markets often have a fresh selection of seasonal choices. Your regular grocer should as well, and often has organic or locally grown to choose from, sometimes at same or similar price.

Fresh is Best, but Frozen Is Good Too – If you can’t find fresh veggies or have picky eaters who prefer canned over fresh, meet them in the middle and buy frozen. Peas, corn, spinach, broccoli, snap peas, and even cauliflower rice - as well as other frozen veggies - are great additions to lots of meals and make for quick and easy side dishes.

Canned Veggies – While not the best choice, (always choose fresh or frozen first if possible) there are some canned veggies such as tomatoes, beans (kidney, garbanzo), etc. that are FRESH Start-approved to use in meals. If you’re picking battles and it means the only way to get vegetables into your family’s bellies, go for it. Just remember to buy reduced, low or no-sodium (salt) and rinse beans well before cooking!

Play Hide & Seek – Or just “hide!” If you’re like me, you’ve got picky eaters who sometimes just refuse to eat vegetables. It’s fun to find ways to hide them in foods they do like to eat. Examples are Smoothies, spaghetti sauce, chili, & muffins.

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You don't have to try all of these at once. Pick one or two and begin putting those into action - small steps create lasting results! Before you know it, your body will be asking you to eat even more and you can add a few more ideas from the list.

Need some new ideas on how to make meals with more vegetables?

Here are a few quick & easy ones we think you might like:

Healthy Vegetable Side Dishes

How to Make Greens 3 Easy Ways

Grill Your Veggies for Healthy Benefits + Recipes

Then join the conversation in our FRESH Start Club and {free} #52weeksofhealthyhabits Experience for more good stuff on this, and other healthy-lifestyle small steps!

It's A Junk Food Jungle Out There {And How to Get Out!}

Common junk foods like most chips, snacks, sodas and sweets are the obvious offender to a weight loss goal and healthy diet…but what about those hidden food traps? There are so many! The deception is everywhere...from foods that are blatantly, falsely advertised as healthy, to everyday choices we thought were great options, but as we learn more and more about this, we realize they aren’t.

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An even greater crime is that food marketers target kids!

Most children’s commercial foods have more added sugar, food coloring and additives and preservatives in them than they do nutritional benefits! Oh, like fruit juices. Orange, apple, grape…UGH – read the label! Huge sugar boobie traps.

Take fruit snacks as another example: there is not a fleck of fruit in them! Yogurts are another “Whhaaaatttt? I can’t believe it!” food. Watch those added sugar amounts, and check the nutrition amount...then choose the lower-sugar version, you can always flavor it with fruit, honey, or stevia on your own.

Beware of the bountiful amount of unhealthy foods our “wonderful” manufacturers offer us, even (and maybe especially) the ones marketed to those of us watching our diets and food labels. They are not always what they seem to be.

There is so much more about this in my book, FRESH Start for Health - where I share in a refreshingly simple and grace-based way…it’s a Junk food Jungle out there, but we’ve got a way to hack through and get out!

*Junk Food Jungle - How To Find Your Way Out*

Sometimes maneuvering the grocery store aisles without derailing the FRESH eating plan brings more stress than the thought of teaching your teenager to drive! (Pulled completely from personal experience here LOL!)

We head straight to the veggie & fruit section, only to run right into a stand FULL of candy plopped right in the middle of the bananas and pineapples (and some of it is disguised as NUTRITIOUS!)

We avoid the chips and crackers aisle just to find them screaming at us from a corner stand at the seafood section! Yes, it is a Junk food jungle and no one is safe from the false labeling & marketing slogans that convince you that kind of food is actually good for you (when many times, if food has a label, it isn’t!)

So how to get out of the grocery store (errr Jungle!) without too much harm?

First matter of business has to be setting yourself up for grocery shopping success before you leave the house. {Chapters 6 & 7 in the above-mentioned book give the low-down on exactly how to do this! My mission - and I DO choose to accept it - is to help you eat FRESH and get out of the junk food jungle!}

Part of the survival plan at the market is to go in with your armor...your shopping list!

Make a meal plan, and then put together your shopping list for that plan - before you ever leave your house! {Need an example of a family-friendly meal plan that is FRESH food to follow?}

One of the best ways to get out of the Jungle and still be on track is to always use a list, and always eat healthy before you go! Another tip if you truly struggle with temptation and need to pull back for a bit - use the new “pick up” services that most stores now offer. Win-win.

Here’s the TOP 5 sugar traps to watch out for in the store:

1.  Yogurt (especially the squeeze kind) – contains 15-27 grams of the white stuff (added sugar) per serving. Read closely also to see HOW they are sweetening the yogurt, and how many ingredients are in it. Try to purchase yogurt that lists 5 or under ingredients and have ideally less than 10 grams of sugar per serving.

{FRESH Fix: Get low-sugar OR plain Greek yogurt instead and flavor with fruit, honey, etc – try to stick to under 7 grams per serving. The kind I buy my kids uses Stevia as the sweetener}

2. Cereal – This stuff is BAD…and it’s tough, because our kiddos think it’s GOOD. There is an entire aisle in the store with boxes and bags of it for a reason. (Demand!) However, when each “serving” of cereal is between 11-23 grams of sugar and kids usually eat 2 or more servings PER meal, we have a problem! Add in the milk, and its 11 grams of sugar PER 8 ounces. OUCH. Plus, there’s hardly any nutrition at all in this “food.”

{FRESH Fix: Choose homemade low-sugar granola instead, or whole grain varieties of store bought. Try to get away from cereal as a staple and turn it into more of a treat - only serving it on rare occasions.}

3. Juice boxes and other “kid-friendly” sugary drinks – There’s not enough nutritional benefit to these drinks to justify the sugar and chemical content, no matter what the package marketing says. Just steer clear of the TWO AISLES of packaged drinks in the store altogether.

{FRESH fix: Make homemade teas and real-fruit-infused water instead, there’s many varieties that are TASTY and with low to no sweetener! Try fruit-infused waters with fresh mint, and healthy homemade iced coffee drinks. We also occasionally have Truvia-sweetened PURE Crystal Light drinks. It’s a great treat choice, and is a “better” choice than aspartame-sweetened ones.}

4.  Granola bars and commercially prepared “breakfast” foods – Watch out! The 13-30 grams of sugar PER SERVING in these marketed-like-they’re-healthy choices will spike your kiddo’s blood sugar before the day even begins. Plus they contain little to no nutrition or, the nutrition found within is processed versions, bringing all kinds of complications with it.

{FRESH fix: Make homemade choices instead, or try these two FRESH Start-approved choices – Nature Valley Protein Bars (6 grams sugar) and Kashi (make sure to choose the under 10 grams sugar ones.}

5. Fruit snacks or roll-ups – there’s NO fruit in them. They are little expensive pieces of chemically-produced, gelatin-filled, sugar-laden blood spikers that do nothing for hunger but actually create a ravenous hunger driven by the spike in insulin in a child’s body. (Can you tell, I DON’T LIKE THESE at all!) They also promote dental cavities and other dental health issues.

{FRESH fix: Eat REAL fruit instead. Help your child rediscover what they LOVE about grapes, apples, bananas, kiwi, mangoes and dozens of other choices. Use creative and fun ways to enjoy them - make smoothies out of them that taste like ice cream, freeze the grapes, put fruit chunks on a kabob stick, cut pineapple into flower shapes, etc. Once you’ve helped their taste buds get reacquainted with fibrous sugar, they will begin asking for fruit again!}

Tell me in the comments below what your experience is in the Junk Food Jungle called the grocery store?

Is this an area you are working on changing?

Join the conversation in our FRESH Start Club for more about this oh-so-real challenge we all face!

How to Break off a Sugar Addiction

We all love sugar, don’t we? I do for sure! The problem is that as we continue to ‘love on’ sugar it quickly becomes a habit and THEN can become an addiction. For so long I thought I was crazy to think I was “addicted” to sugar. The truth is you and I are NOT crazy when we feel out of control of our consumption of sugar.

This week, we begin with a quick video where I share from my heart about our attachment to sugar – and how you may want to begin “breaking up” with it in your life!

Addicted to sugar...really?

Why am I addicted to sugar?

We consume sugar in more ways than just foods that we think of as “sweets.” We know that soda, candy bars and cake are made of sugar. We know that these are treats, these are things we don’t eat on a regular basis. These things are obviously low in nutritional value. But in today’s world many foods that are marketed to families and even directly to children are deceptively loaded with hidden sugars.

With this huge amount of sugar hiding in foods we commonly eat every day it is no wonder that so many of us are addicted to sugar.

The first step to tackle an addiction to sugar

The first step is simple yet cannot be emphasized enough. You must raise your OWN awareness of how much sugar you are consuming each meal or snack.

1. Look for SUGAR on the label and IGNORE all the other information there for now

2. Do some mental math…add up the grams in all the items you’ll be consuming for breakfast or a snack, in total

Did you know?

a teaspoon of sugar is 4.2 grams!

So if something contains 20 grams of sugar that is almost 5 TEASPOONS of sugar in that one serving! And pay attention to serving size. How many times do you actually drink just the 8 oz of orange juice?

What does this mean? How can we give ourselves a sugar reality check?

Back in the day when our grandparents were eating mostly whole foods and before packaged foods became the norm, their average sugar consumption was between 9-20 grams each day. Now the average American is averaging somewhere between 50 to 80 and 120 grams of sugar EVERY DAY. By comparison this is about 12 or 13 times our Grandparents consumption! And much of this is by accident. We’re consuming most of our sugar first from drinks {juices as well as the commonly known culprit soda and fancy coffees} and secondly, from hidden sugars in our foods.

{Have you noticed that diet mayonnaise, diet salad dressings and even spaghetti sauce has SUGAR as an added ingredient? It pays to read ALL labels to discover all the hidden sugar sneaking into our foods!)

No wonder we are sicker and struggling with so much chronic illness today! Sugar causes inflammation and wears down our immune system. The most current research even points to inflammation as the basis for most of our serious and troubling diseases including cancer, heart disease and even dementia & Alzheimer’s.

Before you panic that you no longer get to enjoy food…take it just one step at a time!

Start breaking up with our addiction to sugar

Today you’ve made a great start at becoming aware of how much sugar you and your family are consuming each day. You’re empowered to read labels and add up the math, along with a reality check about how things have changed in just a couple generations…since our Grandparent’s time.

Here’s a helpful tool to start tracking your sugar grams…

Download your own copy of the PDF by clicking on the picture! Track for 5 days and see what you find - then you can start reducing the sugar-laden foods where you see trends.

So now let me encourage you. Here at Fresh Start we believe in one change at a time. This way our changes become life-long healthy habits instead of just reactions to the newest fad about what’s healthy or good for us.

Your next step is to really begin to delve into educating yourself more about sugar. On our FRESH Start YouTube channel, there is a whole series of videos explaining all about sugar, sugar substitutes and how to withdraw off the large amount of sugar in the American diet.

Let's talk about this…

You’ll also receive so much more on creating your healthy lifestyle one realistic step at a time, by becoming a member of our free FRESH Start Club! It’s free, and the folks there are so warm and welcoming. Join us there and start taking your healthy-living journey one step at a time with friends.

God's Master Plan for Health

God is the Master Planner - When you don't know the way to go, find rest and assurance in the fact that God does. Seek and trust Him with just the right plan for your specific healthy-living journey. He will show you the path to take, one step at a time.

This quote is from a post for the FRESH START CLUB’s our private support & encouragement group (and it’s free!) We share simple steps there to take forward to keep us all on track to meet our healthy-living goals! Today I'm going to expand on this 'think fresh' step…

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"What IS God's plan?"

How many of you can relate to this? “I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do next! There are so many ‘good’ ideas and ‘should’s’ out there! What if something doesn’t work for me? What if I can’t DO this??”

Believe me, I struggle too with getting bogged down in overwhelm and concerns about this lifestyle we all desire to follow. It’s something we all share as human beings. We get overwhelmed with all the voices swirling around us, all the action steps we feel pushed to take. (“Don’t eat fat, no wait, now eat fat! Don’t eat carbs, but wait, yes you can!”) It’s wearying.

The bottom line is that God knows each of us much better than we can even know ourselves. So even as we step forward in simple ways toward better health, we want to stay in step ALWAYS with HIS calling on each of us.

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What does God's Master Plan look like when it comes to healthy living?

Thankfully, the Word of God (the Bible!) is FULL of guidance around how to live a healthy lifestyle. That’s what I based my book FRESH Start for Health, off of - the Biblical plan for our health!

He said, “If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.”

Exodus 15:26 NIV

My own journey toward better health has taken me through all sorts of twists and turns and I often wondered if I was following God’s plan for my health! As I’ve struggled with autoimmune disease, a spine condition that creates daily, draining pain in my body, a seizure disorder and more…I’ve struggled with doubts in Scripture promises like this because of it. (Can anyone relate?)

But I’ve realized one thing that has freed me in my own “mind-circles” around health and healthy living choices, and it is: God didn’t promise a life free of trials, sickness or struggles just because we follow Him - instead, He promises to stay with us and give us strength in the middle of it.

What I have also discovered is that God has taught me to listen more closely to what His plan is for me…especially in regard to my physical health. And for me, this takes the form of paying attention to my body, how I respond to food, how I feel everyday…as well as a process of trial and error in eating plans and lifestyles!

For instance, when it comes to grains, wheat, bread and other carbs this has been an ongoing area of adjustment for me. Sometimes I find that I need to cut even further back on simple carbs to feel truly well. And in this, I choose to just rest on what God is showing me about my own body. I don’t have to make broad generalizations about ‘everyone should get off all grains forever’ to know that in my life I need to make this adjustment.

Listen to your own body, it's another way to hear God's plan for YOU

This is what I encourage my clients and readers to do over and over again as well.

This walk toward a FRESH experience with God in our thinking about food, exercise and health is all about getting close to Him and learning to trust His whispers of love and direction.

Sure, these messages may not come blasted across the sky like we sometimes wish they would. But just by “tuning in” and listening to the amazingly created place he’s given us to live (our own bodies!) we can hear Him guide us very clearly.

I’d love to hear about how you’ve heard Him speak through your journey to better health. Maybe you’re just starting out and what you’re hearing right now is a lot about putting down the candy bars or chips! Or maybe you’ve discovered that taking a power nap is essential to being your best self for your family. Whatever it is, I’d LOVE to hear about your discoveries.

Leave your comments here just below in the comments section or come join us in the Fresh Start Club where we share privately and candidly about our journey to Fresh Health!

A Healthy Gut Means a Healthy You

This guest post is written by our guest expert, Carl Mason, Fitness and Food Guru and longtime FRESH Start friend. Read on to learn this oh-so-important info about our guts and exactly how important it is to care properly for it, to ensure our overall health! You can find out more about Carl at the end of this article.

I say it often, “Your gut is the heart of your health.”

Just ponder that for a minute. Where does your body access nutrients that feed your cells? Where does nutrient absorption take place for your muscles, your brain, all your organs? Where are toxins isolated and expelled to prevent you harm? It all happens in the gut.

The gut is more than your stomach. It is a very complex, strategically functioning network that includes…

Your Mouth

Your mouth is the gateway to your gut. From the moment you smell dinner, your mouth waters and the digestive process begins. With every chew, the process continues as the enzymes of your saliva start to break down the food.

Your Esophagus

As you chew every bite, ideally 15-30 times, the food enters your esophagus where it is delivered into your stomach.

Your Stomach

Now that your dinner has arrived in the stomach, it is sterilized and the digestive process continues with the aid of hydrochloric acid. Meanwhile, the stomach’s enzymes process proteins and nutrients while the stomach churns this broken down food, called chyme, into a liquid.  

Your Small intestine

At this point, your brain gets involved and once it has decided that the food is properly broken down, it signals the release into the small intestine. This is where all those nutrients are absorbed and become the building blocks that keep you healthy.

Your Pancreas, Liver, Gallbladder

These three organs are now vital to the process. The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine that break down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, while also producing insulin to help regulate your blood sugar. The liver, your protein building organ, produces bile, which is secreted into the gallbladder, that is then released, as needed, into the small intestine to break down fats. Now, this is a two way street as your small intestine then sends carbohydrates, fats, and other nutrients to the liver, where they are converted into protein and glucose, to be used as fuel for the body.

Colon and Rectum

Once the small intestine has done its job alongside these three vital organs, the remaining material is passed into the colon. Its role is to absorb all the water and electrolytes before passing any remnant waste to the rectum and out of the body.

It’s all very clever, wouldn’t you say?

It gets better. Within this entire network is something called your microbiome. It is essentially the atmosphere in your gut that is comprised of living microorganisms. And you feed it with every bite you take...either for good or bad. The trouble is, that the modern diet feeds the bad, and also kills the good.

All the refined foods filled with synthetic flavorings, preservatives, and additives are deadly to the microbiome. The lack of fiber, common in these foods, is yet another blow. Did you know that only 5% of Americans are believed to ingest the minimum recommended daily allowance of fiber considered good for your health? Five percent. That’s shocking, right? Yet, fiber is the number one nutrient that feeds a healthy microbiome.


So how do you make sure you are empowering a healthy microbiome and the fantastic health you are seeking?

Avoid Toxic Foods

Refined and processed foods are loaded with toxins that include antibiotics, glyphosate, and a long list of chemical additives, preservatives, and flavorings that replace everything that refining has destroyed. Every one of them is deadly to your gut health.

Avoid Refined Sugar and Oils

These, in addition to the negative effects of all the same toxins just mentioned, feed the bacteria that cause gas, indigestion, bloating, and chronic inflammation which throw a roadblock to your digestion and health.

Consume Prebiotics

You all know about PRObiotics but do you know about PREbiotics?

Probiotics must be fed in order to remain active and vibrant and that is where prebiotics enter the scene. They are, essentially, a plant fiber that your body cannot digest. They reside in your large intestine where they feed the probiotics to do their job.

Very simply put, eat loads of fiber from sources like activated whole grains, leafy greens, fresh fruit, and ample vegetables. I’d even consider a natural supplementation of psyllium husks taken first thing in the morning.

Consume Probiotics

You may be taking a probiotic supplement. Unfortunately, you are likely wasting your hard earned money. I know that is a frustrating statement to read. But don’t distress. There are very easy and far more delicious ways to get those much-needed probiotics.

Fermented of my favorite nutritional topics.

I know that word fermented doesn’t sit well with modern consumers. Yet, fermented foods have been a staple in cultures around the world for thousands of years. It has only been in the last 100 years that they have fallen from grace and nearly vanished from your nutritional health strategy. They were sadly replaced with pickles...vinegar based, shelf stable, pasteurized, pickles.

Properly fermented foods are loaded with billions of probiotics per serving which could be as small as a teaspoon. And they are alive, all natural, robust and ready to get right to work.

So what are they and how do you eat them?

Here’s my list…

  • Miso

  • Kombucha

  • Kimchi

  • Sauerkraut

  • Shoyu Soy Sauce

  • Pressed Salads

I realize this list may be foreign to many of you. It may even be daunting.

But these are all accessible, delicious and easy to include options.

Miso can be added to sauces, soups/stews or made as a simple broth to drink like tea.

Kombucha is a refreshing beverage while kimchi and sauerkraut are condiments in any meal.

Shoyu soy sauce is a traditional Japanese version that makes for great seasoning in grains or stir-fry.

Pressed salads are easily prepared at home with salted, sliced vegetable that you press underweight for an hour and then consume as a side to your meal.

In fact, here is my favorite pressed salad recipe:

Easy Pressed Salad

  • 1 head napa cabbage or any other leafy green, thinly sliced

  • 1 cucumber, thinly sliced

  • 1 small daikon or 6 red radishes, thinly sliced

  • 2 stalks celery, sliced thin on the diagonal

  • 1/2 medium red onion, sliced paper thin

  • 2 medium carrots, grated

  • 1 teaspoon sea salt

  • 1/4 cup brown rice vinegar OR umeboshi plum vinegar

Place all the vegetables in a glass bowl. Add the salt and mix well then place a plate over the vegetables and press down with something weighted like a brick, a thick book or rock. Press for 1 hour. Remove plate, and squeeze out excess liquid. If the salad is a bit salty, rinse with cool water and dry thoroughly. Toss with vinegar and serve.

Keep in mind, you can use most any vegetables you like.

As you explore these truly good probiotic eats, just beware that not all are created equally and selections such as sauerkraut must not be the vinegar-based varieties down your grocery store aisle. The authentic versions will be in the refrigerator section.

Be mindful of the quality and authenticity and you’ll get incredible benefits.

Now that you understand the basics of your digestive system and its function and have a simple guide to feed it well, you can begin to make a beautiful transition to better health.

Remember, you deserve great health. You were designed for it and every provision has been made to ensure it. It’s your time to thrive in health and it begins with your gut.

Happy eating!
~ Carl


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Carl Mason uses the elements of nutrition, fitness, mindset, self-care and home health to create a lifestyle of health. He used these very tools 22 years ago to cure his “incurable” cancer following five years of chemo and radiation. Today, he is professionally and personally dedicated to sharing this blueprint with the world. Even his off-work hobbies reflect these values and passions. You can reach him through his powerful group at or email him directly at

Keeping FIT the FRESH Way During Winter

Winter can often be a challenging time to stay committed to the fitness routines we’ve developed during other, more pleasant times of the year! Between inclement weather, the “winter blues” many of us can often experience, and our slower metabolisms - fitness isn’t always top of the mind!

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Trisch Richardson, FRESH Start Certified Coach & Master T-Tapp Trainer in Indiana, shares her secret to staying fit in the winter (and in any other challenging times!)...she calls it...

...Sneaky Fit to the Rescue!

Here’s what she shares...

I will often “curl my core” against a wall when my lower back is sore, especially from a long day of standing or walking. Of course, it’s not always easy to find a suitable wall wherever I am! So, just lean against any door after closing it. I used to do it only when I was alone - but after awhile I just didn’t care!

If you have never curled your core against a wall, here is the short version

(I share a longer version in my online programs)

  • Stand against a wall, feet out about 4-5 inches

  • Bring belly button up towards the rib cage (it won’t really go up that high, it’s the activation you are after)

  • Now use the tummy muscles to flatten the lower back against the wall, tucking to accommodate as needed

  • Keeping the core activated to flatten back against the wall, lift the ribs without arching away from the wall

  • Shift knees out, weight off big toe

  • Big inhale, exhale BIGGER! (Note: It WILL be tough to inhale big, do your best!)

  • Step away and kick out

Of course, there are many other ways and methods of squeezing fitness into the cold and blustery days of winter.

You can walk indoors to a Walking Program DVD, stretch to a yoga video via Youtube, or use a jump rope in the living room! There’s free weights, stretchy bands and kettle bells - the options available to us are truly endless these days!

The key is to KEEP MOVING, recruit an accountability buddy to encourage you, and reward yourself with a healthy protein smoothie or extra cup of tea or even a square of dark chocolate for your commitment to fitness through this extra-tough time of year!

To have an instant group of fitness accountability buddies around you, join us in the FRESH Start Club (it’s free!)

We check in often with each other on our realistic yet challenging “small steps” FRESH Living Goals! We’d love to have you with us…find out more and join us HERE.

How to Make Easy Elderberry Syrup

It’s that time of year when cold and flu season will be upon us and many times, it’s convenient to run out to the store and grab an over the counter medicine to treat fever, coughs, body aches and pains. It’s better in the long run, though, to boost the immune system naturally. Keeping the body healthy and less susceptible to those nasty germs and viruses is always a good idea!

How to Make Easy Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup is a natural way to boost the body’s immunity because elderberries are very high in vitamin A, have more vitamin C than oranges and are high in quercitin (a powerful antioxidant). They are also a natural anti-inflammatory and have antiviral properties that can not only help prevent colds and flus but also help the body recover faster from these viruses.

You can find elderberry syrup in your local health food store already made or you can make your own at home with this easy DIY recipe which is more cost effective. You can buy elderberries at your local health market or buy them online from Amazon. It’s best to look for and use organic elderberries when possible.

Here’s how to make it…


  • 3/4 Cup of Dried Elderberries

  • 3 Cups of Water

  • 1 cup Raw Organic Honey


  1. Bring water to a boil in a pot.

  2. Add elderberries.

  3. Reduce heat and simmer for 45-60 minutes. Let pot set for 15 minutes. Strain the elderberries using a fine wire strainer over a bowl.

  4. With the back of a large spoon press down on the berries to remove as much liquid as possible. Squish the berries down to extract a little more liquid. Discard or compost elderberries unless you have another use for them.

  5. Pour strained liquid back into clean pan and warm it over medium heat.

  6. Add honey. Cook uncovered until reduced to syrup consistency. Let cool to a warm temperature and pour into glass Mason jar and store in the fridge (it will last several months!)

How to Take Elderberry Syrup

Adults: For prevention take 1 tablespoon daily during cold and flu season. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times daily if you have a cold or the flu.

Children: Take 1/2 – 1 teaspoon of elderberry syrup 3 times per day during a cold or flu and for prevention take 1/2 -1 teaspoon daily during cold and flu season.

FRESH Start Coach Sue Glashower of Busy Moms Living Well recently took us behind the scenes in her own kitchen as she made a batch of elderberry syrup! (Her recipe is slightly different, but the general idea on how to make this is the SAME, so it will still be quite helpful!)

Here is Coach Sue’s how-to video for our visual learners!

Of course, here at FRESH Start, we know that our healthy lifestyle is a whole-life process, and goes a long way to boost the body’s immune system and keep sickness at bay! So, eating FRESH whole foods while avoiding sugar and processed foods, continuing to move FRESH, and even keeping our Spirits healthy, work for our overall health … along with taking this syrup!

Let us know in the comments below if you use Elderberry Syrup in your holistic routine for whole-family health!

How to Have a Healthy Thanksgiving Dinner

As you gather around your dinner table this Thanksgiving, enjoying those tasty traditional dishes, and leave food-guilt behind – most of what you are about to eat is actually good for you!   

Here’s how to have a healthy Thanksgiving dinner:

Sweet potatoes – these babies are a super food, full of beta-carotene, which produces large amounts of Vitamin A for your body!  Vitamin A not only strengthens eyesight, but also your immune system!  The incredible amounts of Vitamin C, potassium, Vitamin B6 and fiber packed into this family favorite also benefit the body. 

The bad news is that adding sugar and too much unhealthy fat to this dish downplays the benefits – so try using olive oil in the dish instead of butter, and enjoy the natural sweet flavor instead of smothering the potatoes in sugar!

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Pumpkin Pie - Full of fiber, beta carotenes, Vitamin C, potassium, and iron, this nutritious treat is almost all good!  Try making it with less sugar and low-fat evaporated milk for a healthier version, and you’ll have a dessert that is good for your heart, immune system, and eyes!

Stuffing – This dish can go either way, as some versions include too much butter and processed carbs.  Try making yours this year with whole wheat bread crumbs, and add in apple bits, nuts or seeds, and extra veggies; like carrots and squash, to add fiber and other nutrients to this traditional favorite! 

With the benefits from the broth and those nutrients combined, your stuffing now has more nutritional punch!

Sides – During the pre-Thanksgiving dinner rush in the grocery store, I noticed there were more shoppers in the fresh foods department than anywhere else in the store. The traditional dinner often includes collard greens, green beans, squash dishes, and brussel sprouts as filling and delicious sides. (I wonder if we eat more fresh veggies as a nation on this holiday more than any other day of the year!) 

What can I say? It does this health coach’s heart good to see this! 

These sides are loaded with multiple vitamins, minerals and fibrous benefits for our bodies – so good for us! Just try and keep the “additions” like butter and salt, to a minimum. Many of these selections can be broiled, sauteed or steamed and just lightly sea-salted or drizzled with a small amount of olive oil.

And let’s not forget the “star of the show” - the big bird!

Turkey – This main event is a lean protein, providing healthy benefit to your body without a lot of fat or harmful additives. It’s high in tryptophan, the nutrient that helps your body produce serotonin, which helps you regulate mood and sleep patterns. It also includes such necessary nutrients as the B Vitamins, folic acid, selenium, and potassium. It’s healthier to enjoy it skinless, and without a lot of additional fats, like butter, so try moisturizing it with olive oil, and “steam cooking” it in a bag in the roaster to keep it tender without the additional oils.

The nutritious benefits you’ll be getting from these family-favorite dishes are worth every bite. 

Enjoy them in moderation (always a good rule of thumb!) and your body will thank you for the added nutrients this delicious dinner brings. 

Have a wonderful and warm Thanksgiving holiday, everyone!

How to End Anxiety and Find Relief Using EFT and Tapping

Introducing our guest expert-blogger, Angela Agranoff of and

Angela is sharing from her wealth of knowledge and passion for this part of our healthy living…using TAPPING & EFT for anxiety relief!

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Angela is a wife, mother of three, writer and EFT practitioner. She blogs about health and home organization on her blogs, My Refreshed Soul and The Unclutter Angel. She presents EFT on both blogs to help support the emotional side of the two topics. You can also find her books and journals on Amazon. Angela loves connecting with others through her blogs, books, social media and speaking to groups.

Here’s what she shares with us today:

Have you ever felt paralyzed by doubt or fear?

Is your anxiety triggered by situations that feel overwhelming or stressful?

Fear may tell us that we are feeling uncertainty, worry about not having control, or loss of control. Fear isn’t necessarily a negative feeling; it can have many useful purposes. But it can also cause us to get stuck or feel anxious.

ANXIETY (ang-zahy-i-tee), noun

1. Distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune

2. Earnest but tense desire; eagerness

3. Psychiatry. a state of apprehension and psychic tension occurring in some forms of mental disorder.



Some circumstances in our lives can bring on feelings of uncertainty. How we choose to handle these circumstances can make a big difference in how we operate in our everyday lives.

This year, for the first time, I experienced what felt like a panic attack. I was in Denver International Airport, a super busy airport with an insane TSA operation. The feeling of so many people, the noise, long lines, waiting to catch a plane. . . I was eventually in tears and felt like I was emotionally shutting down.

 Strangest feeling ever!

I took deep breaths to get through the situation, and recovered by the time we got through security. The rest of our trip was fine. 

That was an eye opening experience.

I felt my environment was out of control and filled lots of uncertainty. The good news is, I am self aware of this, and working with tools that can help me with these situations. We know that these situations can arise at any time and anywhere. 

Do you have situations that cause feelings of anxiety in you?

When one has feelings of anxiety, there are a variety of ways people cope with them:

·  Soothe through drinking or drugs

·  Head to the kitchen to find relief in food

·  Go shopping to feel better by making a purchase

·  Turn to medication

This list is not judgment. I understand it because I have done some of these to dull the pain. But when we have newer and better option, we can use them. 


I wish my first thought when I feel anxious was always to pray.  

Jesus can comfort instantly if we listen and allow Him to.

There are amazing tools that can assist us when working through anxiety. Finding comfort in our faith, and allowing God to carry the burden of our fear and anxiety, can be the greatest of comfort.

God cannot only change our thoughts in an instant; He can change the overwhelming and defeating patterns forever IF we allow it.

Being consistent and surrendering every time we get these feelings of anxiety can give us a break through.

God can also reveal to us why we are feeling loss of control, why we feel helpless, why we feel fear. Just ask Him for clarity. These feelings can tell us something, and God can guide the way.

What can God teach us and show us about ourselves through our anxiety?

Prayer is a powerful tool to help with anxiety! It can be used anytime, anywhere, just like the next tool we will discuss, EFT.



This non-evasive tool is a calming way to help with anxiety. It can be used with prayer, scripts, ongoing thoughts or mantras.

EFT, the emotional freedom technique, is like psychological acupressure. It can help with a number of emotional and physical issues we have.

Eastern medicine describes how emotions and traumas get stuck in our body’s system. Using tapping can help to release those memories and emotions that are “stuck” in our thoughts and nervous system.

EFT doesn’t “cure” things, but it can help to relieve the stress of anxiety in your body.

Even though tapping uses practices adopted from Eastern medicine, it works well adding our faith and dependence on God. He made our bodies so extraordinary and complex and tapping is another amazing tool we can use to tap into what our heavenly Father has gifted us. 

Please do not substitute tapping for any medical treatment or counseling that you are receiving. Talk with your doctor or counselor to discuss if it can be used in conjunction with your treatment.

 For a visual on how to end anxiety and find relief using EFT and Tapping, watch this helpful video!


Tapping for anxiety can implemented during an anxious feeling or stressful situation, you can also use EFT as a preventive measure.  

I will include two scripts below that will help you with both situations.

I like to tap about situations that stress me out, especially if I am thinking about what is coming up in the near future that may make me feel anxious. Then as I face the situation, I already have the calming words in my mind and my body is already prepared.

I have also done tapping when I am in the middle of a situation, benefiting from the calming tap and verbiage I use to walk myself through the situation and change my negative thoughts.

When we are feeling anxiety we can choose to put our focus on what we do have control over, and not what we don’t have control over. Tapping can help us to gain this clarity and feel peace again. 

Getting Started with Tapping

Learn the different tapping points and their location as well as how to rate the level of your emotions before you start tapping.


Before you start tapping, create a “set-up statement” by:  

·  Thinking about a situation that causes you anxiety or stress

·  Remembering your first memory that comes to mind when you think about this feeling

·  Feeling that memory and the emotions as you prepare to being tapping

·  Using the emotion you feel and the memories brought up, you can create a set-up statement

Set-up Statement Example: Even though I am feeling anxious and upset right now I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

The set-up statement will be repeated three times and can be the same or worded different each time.  You will say this three times while you are tapping on your karate chop point.

You don’t need to:

·   Tap hard, just a gentle tap

·   Worry about hitting each point perfectly, it will still work

·   Worry if you miss a point or if you are doing it wrong

·   Have the perfect script or set-up statement

Rest easy that this relaxing and effective tool can be done anywhere at anytime. They key is to be consistent and patient with yourself.

You are working on layers of memories and events. Like an onion, this may take time to peel away the layers to get to the core of what is causing your anxiety. It may not get resolved after one round of tapping, and that’s perfectly normal.


Tapping for Anxiety Relief

Tapping In The Moment

It may not be the first thing you think of when you are in a stressful situation, but the more you tap with intent, the more natural it will come as a solution.

Karate Chop Point:

-  Even though I am feeling anxious and upset right now, I deeply and completely love and accept myself right now.

-  Even though I am frustrated that I feel this way, I deeply and completely love and accept who I am right now.

-  Even though I am mad at myself for getting like this, I deeply and completely love and accept who I am right now.



I don’t understand why I am feeling this way.


Side of Eye:

I want to have a feeling of peace so I function right now


Under Eye:

I don’t like this feeling of not being in control of the situation


Under Nose:

Not knowing what is going to happen or what to expect



This feeling is so frustrating for me



I’m feeling out of control and upset


Under Arm:

I don’t have to feel this way and I can ease my mind


Top of Head:

I am being triggered by something and I want to honor that I feel upset



Even if I am not certain why I am feeling anxious right now


Side of Eye:

 I can give myself peace to get through this moment

Under Eye:

I can figure out the ‘why’ later, right now I can feel at peace


Under Nose:

I don’t have to be in control of everything



God is in control of it all


I am passing this difficult situation to Him and He will comfort me

Under Arm:

I’m tired of trying to control it all because it is exhausting

Top of Head:

I’m so grateful I am not doing this alone, it hasn’t worked up until now, so I will surrender 

Take a deep breath

Tapping for Future Anxiety

This script is great for using after you have gone through an anxious situation, or if you know something will be coming up for you that could trigger feelings of anxiety.

As you tap you may have memories or thoughts pop up that will give you a window into what may be causing your anxiety.

These memories or ideas can be written in a notebook to keep track of your progress over time. You can also use these to peel away at deeper issues that have caused you stress and anxiety, learning how you can better cope with these situations using EFT and tapping.

Before the next tapping round, think of a situation that gives you anxiety.  Get a clear picture in your mind, feeling the situation as if you are there.


Karate Chop Point:  

-   Even though I have anxiety in certain situations, I deeply and completely love and accept myself

-   Even though I feel I should be able to control my emotions in situations, I deeply and completely love and accept myself

-  Even though I know there are past memories that challenge me with anxiety and feeling loss of control, I chose to accept who I am right now


I want to understand why I get anxiety and have a hard time letting go of difficult situations


Side of Eye:

Why do I feel I need to hold onto past experiences that aren’t serving me?


Under Eye:

What is causing this feeling of fear and losing control?


Under Nose:

I pray I can understand it and it can be resolved



What am I afraid of?



Who would I be without trying to control everything?


Under Arm:

I may be open to more opportunities in my life if my anxiety wasn’t pushing things away.


Top of Head:

I could be more confident and decisive



I could let go and allow whatever was to happen, happen


Side of Eye:

I could let go and stop trying to control everything


Under Eye:

If I am not trying to control my situation, there isn’t anything to be anxious about


Under Nose:

I can turn it all over to God because He is the One ultimately in control


I release the tension in my body



I release my worries about any possible outcomes that feel scary to me


Under Arm:

I release the expectations I have that hold me back from all God has in store for me


Top of Head:

I feel lighter, I feel freer, and I feel open to all that God has in store for me


Take a deep breath.


Focus again about the situation you were picturing for this last tapping round. Use the emotional scale after each round of tapping.


On the scale of 1-10, where is your anxiety now? 1 being, “I feel no reaction to the situation” and 10 being “I am completely overwhelmed and can’t think about it!”


If you are feeling more at peace with your thoughts, awesome! If you feel you could lower your anxious feelings more, do another tapping round.


You can change the words in the script to fit your situation and make it more personal. Keep tapping to help you to lower number your on the scale. 

Consistently tapping for future stressful situations, or during anxious times, you will see progress and be amazed at how your mind can make tiny shift and see things in a new light.

Using EFT, along with trusting what God’s plans are for you, you can work to end your anxiety and create a routine to deal with stress, and finally finding the relief you are seeking!

With Love,

Coach Angela!

We want to know:

…did this article help you as you explore FRESH new ways to aide your healing from anxiety? We are so excited to partner with some amazing new experts on this blog - to bring you only the best in healthy-living inspiration and resources! Let us know what you thought of this and Coach Angela in the comments below!

What IS Healthy, Anyway? {Hint: It's FRESH Food!}

There is so much information available now on eating and foods in the “health industry,” but there are also many differing opinions. 

Even the “authorities” are at odds with each other, all taking different sides of the healthy eating fence. The conversation often goes like this: Eat less fat; hold on, eat more fats!  Eat meat; no wait, don’t eat meat!  Drink less caffeine; well actually, go ahead and drink it! 

It can be mentally exhausting and leaves us asking the big question, “OK, what really IS healthy?

It is common that everyone WILL have differences of opinions, beliefs, and ideas about what’s truly healthy – that’s what keeps us interesting! The problem is; it’s also quite confusing! 

Especially in this area: knowing what to eat and drink, and what NOT to consume for better health. 


With the ultimate goal of better health for you and your family, I’d like to give you just a few tips to help you figure out what eating healthy looks like specifically for your family, and your needs!

  1. Though opinions differ, some basic things remain the same!
    There are some things that we’ve been eating since the beginning of time, like whole, unprocessed grains, fruit, vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats – this hasn’t changed with culture, society, or fads! Be wary of the “latest and greatest” new product, “food” or drink. If they really are new, chances are, they’re also artificially developed or processed. An avocado has been an avocado since the Great Flood. It’s a good method to use as a measuring stick when deciding what’s “healthy” to eat or drink.
  2. Balance is ALWAYS healthy!
    Going off-balance for the long-term is NOT! The problem with an extreme diet, plan or product (especially one that eliminates a whole food group or two!) is that a deficiency is bound to occur. A lot of times, it’s just not immediately apparent. Our bodies were designed with a specific need for all the food groups – the process of building our cells, which is replenishing what “life” takes out of us, requires all the proteins, nutrients, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that those different foods (prepared different ways) can give us!
  3. Is someone trying to sell you something?
    This is NOT to knock those who charge for things (we all gotta make a living!) but rather to get you thinking and examining the motives behind a celebrity endorsement, “doctor recommended” claim, or other less than truthful methods used to get you to buy that product or quick fix. Just ask yourself these screening questions before you buy based on emotion: Is this another “quick fix” or a step towards a true lifestyle change?

The vast amount of information available on this topic can be a benefit, but also tends to bring mass confusion. Once you figure out your family’s basic guidelines for what you consider a healthy lifestyle, you’ll be able to sift quickly through that information without getting overwhelmed.

Here at FRESH Start, we follow a simple guideline for healthy eating: the Mediterranean-style Food Plan.

Why? Because it's the plan most aligned with our simple values of FRESH foods, and a balanced view that includes all major food groups.

We teach realistic, balanced small steps in healthier habits to build a lasting lifestyle of health. 

For a beautiful handout on What’s REALLY Healthy, click here!  

This quick, easy to read, 3-page handout will help you pinpoint what foods you can, and should, enjoy for improved health!

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How to Eat Clean

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