26 Tips For a Fresh Life Everyday

Sometimes we just need a quick reminder of the many small steps we can take everyday for a Fresh Life!

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  1. Take a daily walk in the sunshine and soak it up for at least 30 minutes

  2. Smile at a stranger - while you’re driving in your car, out and about, checking mail etc

  3. Say ONE thing out loud that you are grateful for - the minute you get up in the morning and your brain starts working

  4. Make and enjoy a homemade smoothie - full of nutritional goodness, delivers vitamins and minerals and fiber and energy

  5. Choose a fresh fruit or veggie to add into your breakfast choices. This great start will feed more great choices today.

  6. Brew a FRESH cup of hot coffee or herbal tea in the morning - it’s a energy-giving, soul-filling splurge that also delivers nutrients

  7. Argue immediately with the first negative thought that pops into your mind - replace it with a positive, life-giving one!

  8. Stir a FRESH slice or two of lemon into either warm or room temperature water - then drink and enjoy this powerful liver detoxifier and energy & brainpower giver

  9. Laugh and giggle out loud at the silly things - let the small everyday things trigger your laughter button. It’s truly the BEST medicine.

  10. The minute you feel anger or resentment rise toward an old offender in your life - replace the thought/emotion immediately with this one: “Life is too darn short - I forgive you - even if it’s AGAIN.”

  11. Pop in someone’s text or inbox and drop a quick encouraging note - tell them what you love about them, or thank them for a recent thoughtfulness. 

  12. Remember that you won’t make everyone happy today - and that’s ok - the rest of the humans in the world won’t either ;)

  13. When a small crisis hits, ask yourself, “Will this truly matter to me in 5 minutes, 5 months, or even 5 years?” and if the answer is “NO” then breathe deeply, and release it.

  14. Take 100% of the responsibility for your choices today - YOU are in charge of YOU.

  15. If something is “emotionally smarting” your soul, give it more time. Time truly does help us to heal.

  16. Put down the fast, boxed or junk food today - JUST today. You are what you eat, and you are none of those things!

  17. Open your heart and hands today and give a little of your resources - whether of your $$$ or heartstrings or time or energy. By doing so, more than you can imagine will flow back into your hands, heart and finances.

  18. Remember that this current challenge is a SEASON and life ebbs and flows, so this season will surely bloom into the next…

  19. Cuddle someone today - whether a human or a fur baby, cuddling is healthy and  increases our “feel-good” hormone!

  20. Swap out a FRESH choice for a processed food just today, and watch your body say thank you. (Examples: Spaghetti squash for pasta, veggie chips in oven for chips, lettuce wraps for tortillas, FRESH taco salad for processed taco shells, etc)

  21. Take a Vitamin D supplement - a huge percentage of us are deprived of Vit D and need a bit of supplement to what we get from sunshine.

  22. Cut your sugary drinks in half - just cut them in half to start! You’ll cut a large amount of sugar, coloring and additives out of your daily intake, but not feel deprived of the joy you find in them!

  23. Grab a HUG today - the person you squeeze probably needs it as much as YOU DO!

  24. Write an encouraging card or note and stick it in the snail mail - we don’t get enough JOY through the mail anymore and just sending this out will lift your spirits.

  25. Memorize a victorious Scripture verse today - put it on a pretty card and hang it up where you can see it often and be lifted.

  26. Hang on to Jesus, talk to Him (no matter how qualified you feel to reach out to Him, He wants to hear from you!) Make Him your bestie - because this blessed life is a WILD RIDE!!!

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If this post encourages you, would you share it? Our heart here is to encourage every weary spirit, every beautiful soul who is in need of a lift today.

~ Coach Bess