homemade healthy recipe

Easy, Healthy, Homemade Spaghetti Sauce

After finding that most pre-made spaghetti sauces are loaded with sugar and other additives, I have begun making a great-tasting homemade sauce instead!  Don’t worry, it is still time-friendly, using canned tomatoes and quick and easy fresh flavors like garlic and herbs.

Easy, Healthy, Homemade Spaghetti Sauce Recipe


•    1-large can of crushed tomatoes (low-sodium, if you can find them)
•    1-small can of either tomato paste or sauce (depending on how thick you prefer your sauce – paste thickens more than sauce)
•    1-small can of chopped mushrooms or fresh mushrooms, sliced small
•    3-4 smashed cloves of garlic
•    1 tsp thyme
•    1 tsp oregano
•    1 tsp sea salt
•    1/2 medium onion, diced fine (optional)


Place the crushed tomatoes in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the tomato sauce or paste and the mushrooms. Stir in the garlic, thyme, oregano and sea salt and onions. Cook until onions are transparent, or simmer sauce on lowest heat for at least 30 minutes.

If I’m making it a meat sauce with it, I like to add the sauce into the sausage/ground meat as I sear it - it brings out the delicious scent and flavor stronger! 

Fresh flavors, easy fixing – this sauce is a winner every time. 

So flexible for any way of eating - it can be meatless if you are vegetarian, or just add in lean ground meat for a more filling and protein-packed dish!

Serve over whole grain pasta, or a cooked spaghetti squash – garnish with fresh parmesan cheese, and you have an easy, healthy sauce without the sugar and calories!